Monday, February 14, 2011


... is for suckers. Can you feel the quick rant coming on? lol... I cannot stand Valentine's Day, and here are the reasons why...

If you are in a relationship: There is so much pressure that you HAVE to do something for your significant other. And then anything you do costs three-times the amount it normally would, just because it's Valentine's Day. If you love someone, you shouldn't need a special day to "prove" it to them. Why don't you surprise them w/ flowers on a random Tuesday, just because, instead? And it's mostly focused on what the "guy" will buy/do for the "girl". How fair is that? It's a commercial holiday for all commercial business to advantage of the poor saps frantically running to the store after work, in fear of walking through the front door empty-handed (gasp!) to make money. And then of course...

If you are single: You're fucked. You suddenly find yourself on the receiving end of a million pity-smiles and sad faces. You're pathetic. "Poor So-and-So is all alone and has no one." You are constantly reminded, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, that you are, in fact, alone.

Thanks, Valentine's Day! You're swell. :)

That being said, I did get a couple of cute gifts from some of my students today. :)

OK, now that I've got that off my chest. Ha ha Today was my first day back to work, and boy was it exhausting! Not to mention HARD... Because today was Valentine's Day, I was surrounded by sweets and goodies and everything that is forebode. I was strong though and did not falter! I told everyone at work that I had to have my gallbladder removed along w/ the hiatal hernia. I just didn't want problems w/ them. I feel bad lying to some of the people there, but I just can't take chances. I was very surprised, however, to come home to a "Get Well" card from everyone at work. They didn't get me a bereavement card when my great-grandfather passed away, but they did for this. Maybe they don't completely hate me. lol

Tomorrow's my 1st post-op visit w/ the Nutritionist. We'll go over the next phase in the transition back to solids... the "soft food" phase. I am actually quite eager to start this phase, because I will be allowed to eat actual food!

In all seriousness...
Happy Valentine's Day!
to all my faithful readers (which probably isn't many). I love you all.


  1. Valentines Day isn't just for lovers! I enjoyed spending the day with my kids and my niece more than anything. I would have enjoyed the day with you if we were together. It's nice to take a day to stop and share the love. And you were strong and healthy through that day. You gave yourself the best kind of love you could. You don't need someone else to celebrate love. Remember your journey starts there: self-love. You rock! You are doing great!!!!!!

  2. Val, I'm so happy for you--I definitely would have had a hard time avoiding the valentine's day candy! i'm excited you're moving on to your next phase soon. Stay strong :) Also, I'm totally looking forward to coming home in May and seeing your progress!
