Monday, February 28, 2011

Enter, Solids

My first attempt at solids (Laughing Cow spreadable garlic & herb cheese, on slice of Tuscan bread, grilled) was a success! Next was a small slice of my brother's homemade veggie pizza. Also a success! Sunday was another successful day. Please note, I am being extra careful and chewing my food like 25 times before I dare to swallow it. LOL

Today I had leftovers from my Aunt's dinner last night, and had a little trouble getting the pasta and/or pork loin down. It wasn't a big issue, I just had to wait a few moments for it to pass, and it wasn't even completely stuck. The thing that stinks is, I get very thirsty while I'm eating, but since I can't drink and eat at the same time... well, this is an adjustment for me, for sure.

Saturday night I went out w/ my siblings and friends to celebrate my sister's 22nd birthday. I wanted something cold to drink, but am still afraid to try carbonation, so that ruled out beer. I instead went w/ Stoli O and Cranberry. The first bar we went to, DCs, served me my drink in a nostalgic old-fashioned Ball jar... it was a little more than 12oz. Not only was the drink quite delicious, it "magically" took effect as if I had drank 4 of them! This is going to save me OODLES of money when it comes to libations. ;)

Hope everyone stayed dry today. I hope the rest of the week is sunny, as it purports to be, w/ a few warm days in the mix too. Have a great week!

Friday, February 25, 2011

What a Week!

Sorry folks... I know I've been MIA for awhile. All is well, the days just blurred into one another and before I knew it a week had gone by.

We last left off w/ my stellar post-op appointment last week, when I got the go-ahead to switch to soft foods. That has been going well. I am enjoying eating salmon, tuna, eggs and I created this delicious chick pea dish that was still appealing once emulsified! :) Yum.

I have, however, officially discovered what it feels like to be "stuck" (when food is not able to pass through the stoma and literally gets stuck). I gotta tell ya, not so fun. My first incident happened on Monday. Totally my fault. I decided it would be okay for me to have a couple of, what I thought to be, soft hors d'oeuvres. I should not have attempted this, as my instructions are soft, mushy foods. Well, they got "stuck", and it felt like this tight feeling in my chest. So, what would be your first instinct to do? Drink something to wash it down, right? Yeah, that was my instinct too. Problem is, when you have the Band, this concept does not work. What happened? Since the water could not go down, past the food, it came right back up. I was like one of those spouting water fountains. Ha ha Eventually the food went down, all was well and I learned my lesson. Thank Goddess I didn't throw up. The other incident happened last night. I had part of an omelet left over from dinner (eggs are OK). I must've taken too big a bite, or not chewed well enough. It got stuck. I tried jumping up and down to get it to pass, but in the end just had to wait it out. Again, grateful I didn't throw up.

Now, I begin incorporating solids back into my diet. Happy day! However, I will be proceeding w/ caution. This is good though, because I am starting to feel hungry again, and can eat more than 4oz sometimes. Looks like I will be needing a little fill when I go for my first adjustment on the 6th. I'm sticking to portions though. 

I also discovered that I really do, no longer have a tolerance for alcohol. After 2 shots of tequila Saturday night I was completely drunk. Going forward, I'm going to be quite the cheap date! Ha ha

This past Sunday I got see my cousins from Indiana who I never get to see, and meet my cousin's little baby, who is adorable, by the way. It was a great day!

Lots of surprising things are already happening in my life, but I'm not ready to get into that just yet. It just feels surreal that all I did at this point was have the surgery, and my life has become a whirlwind of options and new opportunities. Is it because of the surgery, or is it in my mind? Is it just that I feel more confident? Let's see what will unfold.

I've already started using cocoa butter like crazy, in the attempt to reduce any scarring from the surgery to none. *fingers crossed*

Promise to go back to regular postings. I've really missed my blog this past week! Hope everyone is well. Happy Friday!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Soft is Good (in this case)

Not only is the sun shining bright and the air deliciously warm, but I am on Cloud 9 right now for a few other reasons as well!

Today was my first post-op visit w/ Dr. V.

Good news #1: All my incisions are healing nicely, and everything looks good on that front (post-op-wise).
Good news #2: I got the OK to start the Soft Food Phase today!
Good news #3: I only have to stay in that phase for one week, and then I get to move on to the final phase of going back to solid foods for the following week. This will be followed by my very first adjustment!
Good news #4: I am ahead of the game w/ a total weight loss of 17lbs!!! (which means I'm doing excellent so far)

Everyone at the office was so proud of me and happy for me, that it made me feel extra happy myself! I stayed to have lunch w/ them and shared Sharon's soup and chicken salad w/ her. After about 1.5oz of soup and maybe an ounce of the chicken salad I was full! I was also drinking water though, which probably filled me too. I have to learn to drink 30min before eating and 30min after, not during. I can't tell you how good it felt to just be able chew something!

So, the Soft Food Phase works like so... I get three meals and two snacks. Each meal will total 4oz of food, and must contain at least 2oz of protein. Pureed chick pea or bean soups are good choices. The only foods that don't have to be pureed are eggs, fish, tofu or low-fat cheese. Everything else, veggies, fruits, other meats, etc. get emulsified (I can't wait to start using the Cuisinart emulsion blender my mom got me for Christmas!). As I mentioned earlier, I cannot drink whilst eating. This will take some adjusting for me. Oh, and I have to eat s-l-o-w-l-y... as in at least a half-hour for each "little" meal.

Gaspar (NP w/ the practice who is amazing w/ adjustments... he apparently has magic hands) explained to me, that the reason for switching to solid foods before my adjustment, is so that I will be better prepared for the change once I get that first fill ("fill" is another term used for adjustments, as they are literally filling the band w/ saline).

Even though I had a huge weight loss since the surgery, this is not the norm and my losses from here on in will be nowhere near that. Unlike the Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y), which is a restrictive AND malabsorptive procedure, Gastric Banding is purely restrictive. What does this mean? Well, w/ the Band, simply the amount of food you are able to eat is "restricted", but w/ the Bypass, not only is the amount of food limited, but, because your intestines are altered/re-routed, some of the nutrients and fats are not absorbed. That is why people who have the Bypass lose an immense amount of weight and FAST. The Band allows you to lose weight at a more steady pace. So, going forward, it's more normal that I will lose about 1-2lbs per week tops. Which, I personally believe, will prove to be more rewarding in the end, and is the better option for me.

Last night I realized that I am already feeling more confident and strong. I know this may sound silly because it's only been 11 days since surgery and I have a long way to go before reaching goal. But, I was thinking, it probably has to do w/ the simple fact that I had the surgery. I faced one of my BIGGEST fears... and survived. I can't tell you how amazing that, in and of itself, feels. I feel like I can do anything now. And I am ready for whatever comes next. The past 2 weeks haven't been easy, but every step so far has been worth it.

I am thoroughly enjoying this tuna for dinner! Protein shakes... see ya never! Ha ha (well, at least for the weekend)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tummy Growl

As Temple of the Dog once sang, "I'm growing hungry." Not sure if I mentioned this in my post explaining the Lap-Band, but I won't actually get my first "adjustment" until I'm ready to go back to solid foods (about 5 weeks after the surgery). Right now there's only about 1cc of saline in my Band, just to flush the air out and make sure it works. Sooo... since my stomach/abdomen has been healing from the surgery, so has my appetite. And while I am getting plenty of protein in my diet, and the shakes are pretty satisfying, they are still liquid and I find myself feeling quite hungry throughout the day. I spoke w/ the nutritionist about this at my appointment yesterday. She said that usually means one is ready to move on to the next phase. When I go for my post-op on Friday, I plan to ask Dr. V if I can start the Soft Food Phase a couple of days early. The nutritionist said she is OK w/ that too! *fingers crossed*

In other news, I've still been sleeping on the couch, as it's been painful to lay down completely. Tonight I will attempt to sleep in my own bed again!

Each day at work has been a little better. This was a good week to go back, as we have off on Friday, as well as Monday, for President's Weekend. Too bad I'm not in one of those school districts who have all of next week off. But, I won't be greedy. :)

Thank you everyone for your continued support and words of encouragement! This is just the beginning of a long journey ahead... I can't tell you how much it means to me to have you there w/ me.

Monday, February 14, 2011


... is for suckers. Can you feel the quick rant coming on? lol... I cannot stand Valentine's Day, and here are the reasons why...

If you are in a relationship: There is so much pressure that you HAVE to do something for your significant other. And then anything you do costs three-times the amount it normally would, just because it's Valentine's Day. If you love someone, you shouldn't need a special day to "prove" it to them. Why don't you surprise them w/ flowers on a random Tuesday, just because, instead? And it's mostly focused on what the "guy" will buy/do for the "girl". How fair is that? It's a commercial holiday for all commercial business to advantage of the poor saps frantically running to the store after work, in fear of walking through the front door empty-handed (gasp!) to make money. And then of course...

If you are single: You're fucked. You suddenly find yourself on the receiving end of a million pity-smiles and sad faces. You're pathetic. "Poor So-and-So is all alone and has no one." You are constantly reminded, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, that you are, in fact, alone.

Thanks, Valentine's Day! You're swell. :)

That being said, I did get a couple of cute gifts from some of my students today. :)

OK, now that I've got that off my chest. Ha ha Today was my first day back to work, and boy was it exhausting! Not to mention HARD... Because today was Valentine's Day, I was surrounded by sweets and goodies and everything that is forebode. I was strong though and did not falter! I told everyone at work that I had to have my gallbladder removed along w/ the hiatal hernia. I just didn't want problems w/ them. I feel bad lying to some of the people there, but I just can't take chances. I was very surprised, however, to come home to a "Get Well" card from everyone at work. They didn't get me a bereavement card when my great-grandfather passed away, but they did for this. Maybe they don't completely hate me. lol

Tomorrow's my 1st post-op visit w/ the Nutritionist. We'll go over the next phase in the transition back to solids... the "soft food" phase. I am actually quite eager to start this phase, because I will be allowed to eat actual food!

In all seriousness...
Happy Valentine's Day!
to all my faithful readers (which probably isn't many). I love you all.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back at Home

Well, I packed up my life at my recovery base, and came back home this afternoon. I didn't realize how much stuff I actually had over there... I really moved in for the week! lol Sarah's been home since I got back. We've already watched 2 movies together. It's nice to have some time alone w/ my sissy. We saw The Romantics (which I really like a lot, and loved the music even more! Can't find the soundtrack online anywhere though... Can anyone help me?) and Going the Distance (also good and kinda funny).

I'm in a lot less pain today! Yesterday, was kind of a bad day. My throat felt raw, the whole right side of my abdomen was in pain and, unfortunately, constipation found me. Sorry, but that's just how it was. I was also feeling hungry. Friday night, around 11pm, I felt hungry for the first time, and super anxious for some reason too. I really wanted to smoke a cigarette, but John was a good friend, and didn't let me falter. I was upset at the moment, but grateful the next morning! I just made myself an extra protein shake and walked around the apartment a bit. It helped get me through the moment. Today is much better on all counts. :)

Right now we've got the Grammy's on. Something I haven't watched in forever, because, well, music these days isn't anything like it used to be. However, the reason I'm tuned in tonight, is because I am looking forward to seeing The Avett Brothers & Bob Dylan perform. :) Ahhh! Muse just came on to perform! What a great surprise. I LOVE them!

Well, I'm off to start getting ready for work now too. I've been out all week! I have a mud mask on (which feels good... haven't pampered myself in awhile!)... gonna take a shower now. So, not looking forward to going back tomorrow, but... c'est la vie. However, I do have a phone date this evening that I am looking forward to! Hasta mañana...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Voltaire... and I

Some of you may know of Voltaire as the famous French philosopher. Others think of him as the talented poet/writer, responsible for Candide, among others. While still others think of him as somewhat of a quiet revolutionist who questioned the politics and religion of his time. But, did you know, that because of the words he shared, Voltaire was forced to leave Paris several times? He was even imprisoned in the Bastille once! The last time he left Paris, he was exiled for 28 years! During which a great portion of that time, he lived with his mistress, Madame du Châtelet. Is that not a regal name, if ever there was one??? *dreamy sigh* If only my name had an heir of elegance and royalty, like Madame du Poix (Not spelled, "Deproia", Kristen & Scott! LOL). But, I digress... The real knowledge I wanted to share with you is, that on the day he returned, which just so happened to be today, February 11th, in 1778, he was greeted by hundreds of people, celebrating his return. Isn't that something? Unfortunately, as fate would have it, Voltaire would pass away a mere 3 months after his reappearance.

François-Marie Arouet (aka Voltaire):

Not like Voltaire at all, exactly 233 years later, I made my first reappearance into the world, after being exiled (post-surgery) to the apartment since Monday. I was welcomed by several staff members at the 2 NJLA offices, along w/ the pharmacist at Target, the bank teller, and the extremely friendly young man working at Blockbuster. Ah, how good it feels, to feel so good, and walk w/ your head held high! :)

And so, I leave you with this great quote...

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." ~ Voltaire (duh)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Upper GI

And I'm not talkin' GI Joe. ;) This morning I went to the hospital for my routine Upper GI exam. Basically, it's an x-ray of your abdomen, to check and make sure everything is in the right place and working correctly. They had me drink a contrast, and can I tell you... it was SO COOL to see it go down my esophagus and into my stomach. I got to see where the Band was and the port as well. It was very quick. John dropped me off at the hospital around 8:15am and Aunt Denise picked me up and dropped me back off at the apt by 10:30am.

Pain a little less today. Everyday I get a little bit better/stronger and pain more tolerable. New pain development today in the upper part of my abdomen below my rib cage to the right. Feels like a pulled muscle... ouch! Oh well. Overall I am doing well and can't complain.

Had a nice surprise today... my Auntie "I" and Uncle Richie stopped by to see me and brought me some very useful things to get me started for the next "Soft Food" phase. It was so nice to have the company and spend the time with them. :) I really am a lucky girl to have such supportive family.

Sharon took the On-Q Pump out for me this evening. That's a huge relief in and of itself! lol Not that it was painful, but it was kind of freaky having tubes on the outside of my abdomen, that went into the center of my abdomen and continuing inside. It was the weirdest sensation while Sharon pulled the tubes out of me, I don't think I can even explain it right in words, but I'll try... it felt like never-ending, long, stiff worms being pulled out from within my abdomen. And it seemed like it took forever to get them out all the way! lol But, I'm tube free now! Yay! :) I also get to look forward to my first real shower tonight. I'm sure everyone around me will be grateful for this too. Ha ha

Ooh, and I enjoyed my first post-op Starbucks skim latte this evening! It was delightful. :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Post-Op Update

Two days post-op and the pain is subsiding! I still have some of those CO2 pains, and my hernia repair  hurts every time I breathe, but that's getting much better too. I just realized that the other night I did not mention that while the doctors were "in there," they saw I had a hiatal hernia, that they had to repair before putting the Band in. This is located in the diaphragm, hence the pain when I breathe. At least it has become more tolerable today. Sore throat from intubation finally kicked in. That seems to be tolerable too.. :)

I am officially on the protein shake/liquids phase of my post-op transition back to normal foods. I am grateful for this, and the fact that I can have 0% Greek yogurt too! This was key to me being able to get some sleep last night. If I got a half hour of sleep Monday night, I was lucky. Last night at 1am I moved to the couch in pain. Sharon heard me and said, "This is when you take the percocet!" I didn't want to take on an empty stomach and get nauseous (can you imagine the pain from heaving?! Ouch!). So, I took a pill, had some Greek yogurt and turned on the TV. Within half an hour or so (like 2:15am) I was feeling better and sleepy... Next time I woke up it was 5:30am! That was nice. I was able to fall asleep again for another 2-3 hours. Walked around a bit, had a protein shake for breakfast, and then slept some more on and off the rest of the morning. I need to catch up! Had another protein shake around 12:15 for lunch and have been walking around the apartment here and there. They say it helps w/ the healing and dissipating the gas pains. I think I'm going to have some Jell-O or a sugar-free ice pop now to help soothe my throat. I'm finding it hard to keep hydrated with the drinking water for some reason. I'll have to work on that.

I'm hoping the pain will be gone (or almost gone) by the morning. I have to drive to the hospital for an upper GI exam, to ensure the Band is in the proper place and there is no leakage. *fingers crossed*

Oh... my assistant at work called me again today to see how I was doing. She told me that the kids keep asking for me saying, "Where's Miss Valerie?" and that they miss me, as well as the moms. How precious is that?! It was nice to hear and made me feel good. Those kids are adorable, and probably the only thing I enjoy about my job.

Hope everyone is well and staying warm. It is pretty cold out there... I can feel it in the apartment! See ya tomorrow...

P.S. Random side-note... I had to take my tongue ring out for surgery, and have decided to keep it out for good! I know, I know... Big news, right?! LOL I just figure, I'm in my 30's now and maybe it's time to go our separate ways.  It's also caused some damage (chipped my tooth a few weeks ago!) which I could do without. So, farewell dear tongue ring... we've had some good times over the past decade plus. Ha ha However, the nose ring is staying!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm with the Band!

Ha ha I've been waiting to use that line! Credit goes to Tracey, who said it to me when I was bouncing off the idea of the name of my blog.

Anyway, this will be a brief post. Just wanted to let everyone know the surgery went smoothly and they actually let me go home tonight! :) So, here I am! I was nervous about the anesthesia, but the anesthesiologist was wonderful. I don't even remember falling asleep, I just remember them waking me up. I am feeling pretty well, except for excruciating gas pains in my upper chest and neck, from the CO2 they used in surgery. It feels like knives stabbing me, especially every time I breathe. Hopefully that will go away soon.

Have I mentioned that I have THE best brother and sister in the world?!? They were w/ me the whole time and it was so comforting having them there when I was coming out of the anesthesia. The nurses in there were so cool. Usually only one person at a time is allowed in to visit you while you're in recovery, but once I was completely OK, they said I could have everyone come in w/ me... Nick, Sarah, John, Sharon, Erick, Aunt Denise and Lauren. I was like, "party in recovery!"

Okay, well, this gas pain is killing me, so I'm gonna sign off for tonight. I just wanted to keep everyone updated and let you know that I didn't have to stay overnight. Yay! And it's official... I'm with the Band!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tomorrow's the Day!

It's finally here! The night before my surgery. I can't believe it's actually happening! :) I am feeling a variety of different things right now... anxious, nervous, excited, hungry, scared, thrilled. Ha ha Just another Sunday night! ;)

Today is just clear liquids for me. And no, unfortunately, vodka does not count. Something about empty calories and all. Blah, blah, blah. After midnight it's nothing at all... not even water. Am I hungry? Sure. But, it's a small sacrifice on this journey, and it will all be worth it in the end!

I still have to pack for the hospital, but am enjoying a few episodes of Ghost Whisperer first. Thanks to Blockbuster online, via mail, Sarah and I are working our way through the series. Just started season 3. It's like crack, it's so addicting.

Since this is my last night pre-Band, here are some recent pictures of me...

Most recent, taken 1/15/2011 (Maria's baby shower):

Taken August 2010 (NJLA Patient Cocktail Party):

Taken April 2010 (Denim Day @ Oasis):

Oh boy... I can't wait to start posting new pics, post-Band!

I'm so anxious, I wonder if I'll actually be able to sleep tonight. My plan is to sleep as late as possible tomorrow morning, in hopes it will stave off any hunger/thirst I'll feel.

Well, I'm off like a prom dress! Ha ha I have faith that all will go well tomorrow and I'll catch you all on the flip-side. Much love! :)

P.S. Happy Birthday to my "Godson" Devin who turns 9 years old today. I haven't seen him in years, but "Aunt" Valerie misses you all the time, Dev. :( 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thundercats are GO!

Love that quote from Juno. :)

Anyway, results came back... WBC count is normal! Thank you everyone who wished good thoughts for this! I am very excited right now! :)

So, here's the surgery information:

When: Monday, February 7th
Where: Palisades Medical Center
Time: 3:00pm (I will have to check-in by 1pm)
**Please note, that since the surgery is so late in the afternoon, I will be staying OVERNIGHT in the hospital!**

My wonderful siblings, Nick and Sarah, will be with me through the surgery. How did I get so lucky? They're the best! 

This pic also includes my step-brother, Vic (on the left in sunglasses). I love my siblings!

If you have any other questions, just ask me! :) Here we go...

Bated Breath!

Went to get my blood-work re-taken this morning to check on my WBC count after the week of antibiotics... I am so anxiously waiting for the results, as this will determine for sure if I can go ahead w/ the surgery on Monday. Ahhhh! So nerve-wracking! LOL

Not much has been going on the past couple of days. I've been having "dinner" (protein shake & broth for me) w/ Sharon, Erick & John this whole week. It's been a lot of fun and a nice distraction from things. The week has actually flown by, when I was afraid it would drag.

Went to a support group for Dr. V's office last night, which was nice, and then went downstairs to the seminar they were holding and waited for Sharon to be done. All the doctors were there, and they are all so nice and wonderful! I can't reiterate this enough. :)

Well, I'm off to pack some more things I will need post-op, as well as work on some thank yous.

I'll let you know as soon as I find out about my results from blood-work this morning! Please pray that my numbers fall w/in the "normal" range so I can have the surgery on Monday! I don't want to feel hungry anymore, and this liquid diet, pre-op, is not the most filling, ya know.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tacos, Jell-O, New Date and More

So, it's after midnight and I should really be sleeping in case the storm isn't as bad as they're predicting and I do have to go to work tomorrow. But, part of me feels like an anxious child anticipating no school tomorrow, and the other part of me misses my blog and needs to write. It's been two days, and I've been waiting for the time to be able to post! Well, opportunity has knocked and it's at 12:30am on a work-night. Oh well... Lots to fill you in on!

For dinner, once in awhile, John and I used to have an elaborately fun "Taco Night". We'd do it up right and have all the fixin's. For my other "last meal" this past weekend, we decided to indulge once more, and resurrected our Taco Night. Glad we did, because it was fun and delicious! I'm special though... I made a plate of rice topped w/ all the taco components, including crushed up shells, lettuce, etc., mixed it up and ate my tacos like that. John couldn't believe I ate the whole plate (even though it was not without effort and I was quite stuffed). I just looked at him and said, "I'm not going to be able to eat real food for the next month! I have to store up!"

While Taco Night was another success, my plan to "store up" lasted until about 1pm the next day when I was starving. It was hard to do liquids only all day. The Surgical Coordinator (Stella) said I could add a 4th protein shake to my daily diet. I think I need to drink more water too though. I've made 2 batches of Jell-O to help me along during my liquid phase thus far... I think I've had 2 spoons. Now, I have never really been a huge fan of the artificially sweetened bone marrow treat, but I am determined to become best friends w/ the stuff by the time I'm onto the soft foods phase! Yum! *sarcastic eye roll*

Oh! How could I forget to tell you?! My friend, Pam, picked me up 3 containers of the complete soy milk I was looking for (thanks to Tracey's tip on the location in Wyckoff!)! She found them at the Food Town in Franklin Lakes or Wyckoff, and cleared the shelf. :) It was such a happy moment for me when she called w/ the good news. Even more amazing? When I went to pick the milk up, I found she had also taken the liberty of getting me a bag full of individual Chobani greek yogurts, another bag of Crystal Light and Celestial Seasonings teas as well as a case of Diet Snapples, to help me along this first phase. How cool was that? I really am blessed w/ such wonderful friends and family. :) Needless to say, my protein shake was much yummier this morning. Thanks, Pam!

Thursday I have an appointment w/ the dentist to check on my tooth again and write me a note stating that the infection is cleared. Then I will have to go for blood-work again to check my WBC count. Please pray that the numbers are normal and I will be able to have the surgery! Please, please, please!

My new surgery date is Monday, February 7th. Less than a week away! Commencing countdown... Take Two! Ha ha The only thing is, it is now scheduled for 3pm, instead of 1st thing in the morning. This is because they are not able to do surgeries at PMC (Palisade Medical Center) next week, so, they are squeezing me in after their surgeries at HNH (Holy Name Hospital) that day, and making a special trip to operate on me at PMC. This is fine, it just means I will have to go the whole day w/o eating/drinking even water, and I might have to stay overnight. This is all good, I'm just saying to keep you all updated. I'm so excited (again)! Hopefully all will go as currently planned and this time next week, I will be Banded after a successful textbook surgery. :)

Thanks to this lovely weather, we had an early dismissal today and I was able to thoroughly clean most of my apartment. I blasted the music and just went to town. Even Easy-Off'd the stove! It is such a great feeling. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a snow day and I can clean my room. Then, all will be spic and span for when I have the surgery.

I think that's all for now. This is why I need to post daily, so it's not as much for me to try to remember! Be safe driving (and walking) around tomorrow. Ice storms, while beautiful, are quite dangerous.