Sorry folks... I know I've been MIA for awhile. All is well, the days just blurred into one another and before I knew it a week had gone by.
We last left off w/ my stellar post-op appointment last week, when I got the go-ahead to switch to soft foods. That has been going well. I am enjoying eating salmon, tuna, eggs and I created this delicious chick pea dish that was still appealing once emulsified! :) Yum.
I have, however, officially discovered what it feels like to be "stuck" (when food is not able to pass through the stoma and literally gets stuck). I gotta tell ya, not so fun. My first incident happened on Monday. Totally my fault. I decided it would be okay for me to have a couple of, what I thought to be, soft hors d'oeuvres. I should not have attempted this, as my instructions are soft, mushy foods. Well, they got "stuck", and it felt like this tight feeling in my chest. So, what would be your first instinct to do? Drink something to wash it down, right? Yeah, that was my instinct too. Problem is, when you have the Band, this concept does not work. What happened? Since the water could not go down, past the food, it came right back up. I was like one of those spouting water fountains. Ha ha Eventually the food went down, all was well and I learned my lesson. Thank Goddess I didn't throw up. The other incident happened last night. I had part of an omelet left over from dinner (eggs are OK). I must've taken too big a bite, or not chewed well enough. It got stuck. I tried jumping up and down to get it to pass, but in the end just had to wait it out. Again, grateful I didn't throw up.
Now, I begin incorporating solids back into my diet. Happy day! However, I will be proceeding w/ caution. This is good though, because I am starting to feel hungry again, and can eat more than 4oz sometimes. Looks like I will be needing a little fill when I go for my first adjustment on the 6th. I'm sticking to portions though.
I also discovered that I really do, no longer have a tolerance for alcohol. After 2 shots of tequila Saturday night I was completely drunk. Going forward, I'm going to be quite the cheap date! Ha ha
This past Sunday I got see my cousins from Indiana who I never get to see, and meet my cousin's little baby, who is adorable, by the way. It was a great day!
Lots of surprising things are already happening in my life, but I'm not ready to get into that just yet. It just feels surreal that all I did at this point was have the surgery, and my life has become a whirlwind of options and new opportunities. Is it because of the surgery, or is it in my mind? Is it just that I feel more confident? Let's see what will unfold.
I've already started using cocoa butter like crazy, in the attempt to reduce any scarring from the surgery to none. *fingers crossed*
Promise to go back to regular postings. I've really missed my blog this past week! Hope everyone is well. Happy Friday!
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