So, it's after midnight and I should really be sleeping in case the storm isn't as bad as they're predicting and I do have to go to work tomorrow. But, part of me feels like an anxious child anticipating no school tomorrow, and the other part of me misses my blog and needs to write. It's been two days, and I've been waiting for the time to be able to post! Well, opportunity has knocked and it's at 12:30am on a work-night. Oh well... Lots to fill you in on!
For dinner, once in awhile, John and I used to have an elaborately fun "Taco Night". We'd do it up right and have all the fixin's. For my other "last meal" this past weekend, we decided to indulge once more, and resurrected our Taco Night. Glad we did, because it was fun and delicious! I'm special though... I made a plate of rice topped w/ all the taco components, including crushed up shells, lettuce, etc., mixed it up and ate my tacos like that. John couldn't believe I ate the whole plate (even though it was not without effort and I was quite stuffed). I just looked at him and said, "I'm not going to be able to eat real food for the next month! I have to store up!"
While Taco Night was another success, my plan to "store up" lasted until about 1pm the next day when I was starving. It was hard to do liquids only all day. The Surgical Coordinator (Stella) said I could add a 4th protein shake to my daily diet. I think I need to drink more water too though. I've made 2 batches of Jell-O to help me along during my liquid phase thus far... I think I've had 2 spoons. Now, I have never really been a huge fan of the artificially sweetened bone marrow treat, but I am determined to become best friends w/ the stuff by the time I'm onto the soft foods phase! Yum! *sarcastic eye roll*
Oh! How could I forget to tell you?! My friend, Pam, picked me up 3 containers of the complete soy milk I was looking for (thanks to Tracey's tip on the location in Wyckoff!)! She found them at the Food Town in Franklin Lakes or Wyckoff, and cleared the shelf. :) It was such a happy moment for me when she called w/ the good news. Even more amazing? When I went to pick the milk up, I found she had also taken the liberty of getting me a bag full of individual Chobani greek yogurts, another bag of Crystal Light and Celestial Seasonings teas as well as a case of Diet Snapples, to help me along this first phase. How cool was that? I really am blessed w/ such wonderful friends and family. :) Needless to say, my protein shake was much yummier this morning. Thanks, Pam!
Thursday I have an appointment w/ the dentist to check on my tooth again and write me a note stating that the infection is cleared. Then I will have to go for blood-work again to check my WBC count. Please pray that the numbers are normal and I will be able to have the surgery! Please, please, please!
My new surgery date is Monday, February 7th. Less than a week away! Commencing countdown... Take Two! Ha ha The only thing is, it is now scheduled for 3pm, instead of 1st thing in the morning. This is because they are not able to do surgeries at PMC (Palisade Medical Center) next week, so, they are squeezing me in after their surgeries at HNH (Holy Name Hospital) that day, and making a special trip to operate on me at PMC. This is fine, it just means I will have to go the whole day w/o eating/drinking even water, and I might have to stay overnight. This is all good, I'm just saying to keep you all updated. I'm so excited (again)! Hopefully all will go as currently planned and this time next week, I will be Banded after a successful textbook surgery. :)
Thanks to this lovely weather, we had an early dismissal today and I was able to thoroughly clean most of my apartment. I blasted the music and just went to town. Even Easy-Off'd the stove! It is such a great feeling. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a snow day and I can clean my room. Then, all will be spic and span for when I have the surgery.
I think that's all for now. This is why I need to post daily, so it's not as much for me to try to remember! Be safe driving (and walking) around tomorrow. Ice storms, while beautiful, are quite dangerous.
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