Ha ha I've been waiting to use that line! Credit goes to Tracey, who said it to me when I was bouncing off the idea of the name of my blog.
Anyway, this will be a brief post. Just wanted to let everyone know the surgery went smoothly and they actually let me go home tonight! :) So, here I am! I was nervous about the anesthesia, but the anesthesiologist was wonderful. I don't even remember falling asleep, I just remember them waking me up. I am feeling pretty well, except for excruciating gas pains in my upper chest and neck, from the CO2 they used in surgery. It feels like knives stabbing me, especially every time I breathe. Hopefully that will go away soon.
Have I mentioned that I have THE best brother and sister in the world?!? They were w/ me the whole time and it was so comforting having them there when I was coming out of the anesthesia. The nurses in there were so cool. Usually only one person at a time is allowed in to visit you while you're in recovery, but once I was completely OK, they said I could have everyone come in w/ me... Nick, Sarah, John, Sharon, Erick, Aunt Denise and Lauren. I was like, "party in recovery!"
Okay, well, this gas pain is killing me, so I'm gonna sign off for tonight. I just wanted to keep everyone updated and let you know that I didn't have to stay overnight. Yay! And it's official... I'm with the Band!
Val, this is the first time I've had a chance to check out your blog since I left the states--I'm starting from here and reading the entries since this one. Thanks for the shout out! :)