February 1st, one month into the "new" year, and almost everything that was at the end of last year, has completely changed. Can't even believe it. LOL It's like that old adage, "Be careful what you wish for... it just might come true." Well, I guess it's not completely like that, but I'm all over the place these days. I'm sure some of you are dying for details, while others are like, "Who are you again?" I apologize in advance for not getting into the nitty-gritty at the moment, but promise to fill you in when I am able to. How does that sound?
Have to say, my current backdrop, as I write this entry, is one of my favorites... If you guessed Starbucks, with my sister working (just love being able to look up and see her), you'd be correct. It's uncharacteristically busy, for the time of day, so I can't really hear the music playing, but I am still in a zone of peace and contentment. Which is something I embrace wholeheartedly, as it rarely comes around these days.
I may have mentioned The 4-Hour Body (4HB) to some of you, or in previous posts. It's something my mother read and started practicing this past summer, before she found out she was sick. She actually attributes finding her tumor when she did because of the incredible health she was in and being so attuned to her body... thanks to Tim Ferriss' "Uncommon guide to rapid fat-loss, incredible sex, and becoming super-human" (tagline for book). When mom first talked to me about this unconventional approach to becoming healthier, I was intrigued. The VERY short of it is follow these 5 rules for a Slow-Carb Diet
- Rule #1: Avoid "White" Carbohydrates (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, tortillas, etc.)
- Rule #2: Eat the Same Few Meals Over and Over Again (mix and match from lean proteins, legumes and veggies)
- Rule #3: Don't Drink Calories (Lots of water a must, unsweetened tea, coffee and other no/low-cal bevs OK. NOT OK to drink milk (including soy), alcohol, beer, soft drinks or fruit juice.)
- Rule #4: Don't Eat Fruit (pretty much self-explanatory)
- Rule #5: Take One Day Off Per Week (Um, can we say, dream come true? Go nuts on this day, binge and eat crap, BUT there is a method to follow, so make sure you read the book.)
Reason I'm mentioning this??? Well, like I said earlier, I was intrigued when I first got a taste. Then, after my mom's surgery and diagnosis, I got scared. Cancer is all over my family... is this my fate? So, I decided I wanted to make my body as cancer-hostile as possible. Enter, seriously reducing my consumption of processed foods and cutting way back on the "white" stuff. Have been working on this for past couple of months, with Tim's book basically playing it's roll of paper-weight (and boy is it hefty!) on my coffee table. I'd glance here and there, but guess I just wasn't "there" yet. Around Christmastime, I had my Harajuko moment (as Tim calls it). I was ready! And so, I finally opened it up, started reading, and kept reading. Cool thing about this bible of a book is, you don't read it from cover-to-cover... there are a few mandatory sections, but then you read it like a buffet, taking in only what is of interest/important to you!
And so, today is "officially" Day Three on the 4HB for me. I have to say, I feel great, energized and not the least bit deprived. My tactic for cravings? Stole from a fellow 4HB follower... When I have a craving, write it down. This way I acknowledge the craving, and it won't eat at me (no pun intended). Then, come Saturday (my appointed Binge Day), I'll take a look at the list... if I'm still craving any of those items, I'll have them. Simple. :)
If anyone is interested, or wants to know more about 4HB, please feel free to ask! Also, I strongly suggest before deciding to begin this on your own, to READ THE BOOK! A lot of this is all about timing, eating the right things at the right times, etc. You'll need the details.
Well, I think I've written enough for this entry! Be back very soon with some other blather to share.
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